Fume Hood Application and Precautions


Fume Hood Furniture for Laboratory Use

Fume hood furniture are used to prevent test samples from air borne contamination. They have application in almost all production related industries but are best suited for pharma industry and research institutions. Before understanding the application, we should understand the working and operating principle.

iLabot Technologies: Click to view fume hood technical specs

What is a FUME HOOD?

The inside of a fume hood furniture acts as a small-sized cleanroom. The primary reason is to prevent test samples contamination caused due to improper handling. A transparent sheet window generally made of acryllic material act as a sheild between the fume hood and outside environment. The work area is sterilized using an ultraviolet light that kills all bacteria and viruses.

iLabot Technologies is a fume hood manufacturer for over 20 years. We specialize in manufacturing all kinds of cleanroom equipment such as Autoclaves, incubators, cleanroom equipment, furnaces, shakers, stirrers and water bath solutions.

Fume Hood Application

The application includes a diverse industry. Right from medical, pharma to top end aerospace industry.

  1. One of the biggest application of fume hood furniture is in the research industry where the test samples should be 100% free from any kind of contamination.
  2. The Medical Industry has its own use of fume hoods, when ever they need to test samples — a fume hood comes super handy.
  3. They are widely used in chemistry labs where toxic gases are released.
  4. Places where chemicals reactions may happen instantaneously without offering a chance to control the process.
  5. Where use of chemicals are dangerous and may cause serious medical conditions.
  6. Aerosols, carcinogens, and other volatile chemicals are also handled within this enclosure.
  7. Defence, aviation and aero space industry require fumehoods for contamination free testing for accurate results.


  1. All test and works should be carried out inside the chamber. A distance of 6–9 inches must be maintained between the Face of the chamber and the test samples.
  2. The transparent door must be down halfway or more at all times during the operation time.
  3. Never put the head inside the fume hood. There is a chance of inhaling toxic fumes.
  4. Always sanitize the area using a good disinfecting agent.

In case, you have more questions please contact us via the form on our website and we will be happy to help.



iLabot Technologies - Autoclave Manufacturer
iLabot Technologies - Autoclave Manufacturer

Written by iLabot Technologies - Autoclave Manufacturer

iLabot is a Laboratory Equipment Manufacturer from New Delhi, India. We specialize in manufacturing horizontal autoclaves and similar lab equipment.

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