Dispose Medical and Biological Safely: Medical Waste Incinerator
Disposing Medical and Biological waste is a big challenge in today’s world. Considering today’s environment, it has become an absolute necessity that all medical and biological waste is disposed of properly without leaving a possibility of spreading infection or viruses in the environment. A medical waste incinerator machine is perfect of such application.
In India, where a lot must be done in the medical industry & disposing medical waste is treated like disposing garbage from home (in case of small units). One can always find a bag full of used gauges & other medical waste by the side of a garbage dump. Though there are options available for waste disposal, they are under-utilized due to the following reasons:
1. Money Factor: Well small units are concentrating mainly of providing cost-effective solutions. Unlike the developed countries, where a simple tooth extraction procedure can attract a bill of over $2500. A tooth extraction in India costs somewhere around $25 at good units and $10 in smaller towns. That doesn’t leave the room for them to make a purchase for self-managed medical waste management units.
2. Lack of Knowledge: Most of the small units only know two ways to dispose of the medical waste coming out of their facility. One is to burn the waste out in open, common practice or dump the waste in the nearby garbage dump. They actually don’t know the safer way of using a simple incinerator which burns the waste material leaving behind residual waste that can be disposed of safely.
3. Low Govt. Initiative: Though policies are made, authorities fail to implement them at the grass-root level. Making matters worse, the municipal corporations don’t alert the right authorities regarding these misdeeds. Thus, giving a freehand to medical units to do as they will.
This is where a medical waste incinerator machine comes to rescue. In simple terms, it is a machine made for burning waste materials and leaving a residue that can be disposed of normally. The cost of the machine is also not out of reach. It is all about the right marketing strategy and then this product can save a lot of infections and medical issues which happen because of carelessly scattered waste from medical units.
iLabot Technologies specializes in manufacturing biological and medical waste incinerator. With a 2-chamber construction, the user can decide and control the temperature of the incinerator to destroy waste materials. The range of temperature can vary from 500 to 1100 degree Celcius which is sufficient to melt out even small metal parts which should not be recycled.